ID #1131

Java web start fails in the splash screen (Splash: recv failed), how come?

It seems that it comes from third party softwares such as antivirus/spywares and firewall.

For instance with the firewall "Comodo":

A workaround is to launch CGoban with the -Xnosplash option (add that argument to the shortcut).

Sources: Thanks to Jadeite on KGS who pointed us to

For instance for the antivirus "Panda Antivirus".

Just disable the antivirus, and it will work fine.

Another workaround:
put the JAVA_HOME directory as exception in "Panda Process Protection Service". Then the antivirus will let java web start run.

Sources: &

Last update: 2009-10-12 21:09
Author: glue
Revision: 1.2

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