ID #1127

What are the time displayed in italics?

A time in italics is a time displayed in your timezone.

How to display an italics time?
You just need to type in the following command:

<gmt>YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm</gmt>

where YYYY stands for the year, MM the month, DD the day, HH the hour and mm the minutes when the event is held, in GMT time (Greenwich Mean Time). The syntax has to be exact!

Example : the tag <gmt>2007-08-29 8:00</gmt> will be displayed in Paris summer time as 29/08/07 10:00 with a french client, or 8/29/07 10:00 AM with an english client.

Since when can we use that feature?
That feature was released in client 3.3.20.

Does the system handles the Daylight Time Savings?

The italicized hour is wrong, how come?
The client uses your computer time to convert the time to yourlocal time. If your computer clock is wrong, the display wil be wrong too.

Last update: 2007-10-23 20:25
Author: glue
Revision: 1.2

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