ID #1122

How can I hear CGoban sound when I have music running on my Linux system?

On some systems, java requires all the sound ressource of the computer to produce sound. So, if you are listening to music before launching CGoban, you won't be able to hear the stones sound or the teacher voices.

You can force java to use ALSA with the program aoss.

If aoss is not already installed on your system, look for the package alsa-oss and install it (for instance, on debian/ubuntu, type the command apt-get install alsa-oss).

Once installed, just add "aoss " at the very beginning of your CGoban launching command: "aoss javaws ...". If you are using some desktop shortcut, right click on it and display its preferences, you should then see the commandline, add aoss at its beginning. The exact path will maybe be needed (you can find that path with the command "which aoss" in a terminal ; for instance, if which answers /usr/bin/aoss, add "/usr/bin/aoss " at the very beginning of the command).

Last update: 2007-03-07 18:02
Revision: 1.0

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